* * * Q U I C K S E T U P * * * * = Updated since last release. 1) Create a Directory for Synchronet Notifier 2) Unarchive the program into that directory 3)* Make sure(with a text editor) that the path statements in the NOTIFIER.CFG file are correct. All lines are commented. 4) Copy the NOTIFIER.EXE into your EXEC directory OR somewhere in your path statement. 5) Set the environment variable for NOTIFIER: (SET NOTIFIER=C:\SBBS\XTRN\NOTIFIER\), add to your AUTOEXEC.BAT 6) READ NOTIFIER.DOC !!!!!!!!!! 7) Make sure there are no OLD MSG.* files in the Scrabble Dir. Create one by COPY MESSAGE.TXT MSG.1 and then edit it and add your name. Delete and msg*.bak files that there may be. This will be a test message and if everything is setup correctly, when the program is run, you'll be notified.